Calvary Chapel Radio Conference announces NEELY to lead worship at their annual conference. The 2018 conference is hosted by Calvary Chapel Old Bridge. The duo will lead worship Monday evening October 15th & Tuesday evening 16th.

“Kaci and I have been so blessed to have many of these radio stations play our music.”, explains Jeremy. “Because of that, it is an amazing blessing for us to be able to serve them.”

“Worship is a natural outpouring for us.”, says Kaci. “However, many people dismiss us in that regard.”

Calvary Chapel radio stations have played  NEELY songs such as: Everything I Am, You and Me, In the Middle, Falling Down, and Complete.

Ron Dozler, Pastor of Calvary Chapel Myrtle Beach and conference organizer says, “These guys are great at what they do. I have witnessed them as worship leaders, as performers, and in a storyteller fashion. Above all, everything these two do is with the mindset of bringing glory to God.”

Due to this being a conference, it is a private event. However, Jeremy & Kaci are leading worship for Calvary Chapel Old Bridge on Wednesday, October 17th. The Wednesday evening service is open to the public.

For more information visit Calvary Chapel Old Bridge’s website.

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