Our friend, Niel Van Wyk, caught me in the Green Room doing a little pre-concert worship\warmup in Springs, South Africa. I had no idea he had the camera rolling…otherwise I likely would have stopped.

This moment for me was intentional as was the song choice. I was singing “No Longer Slaves” by Bethel. I constantly must fight to remind myself who I really am. A child of God, no longer bound by fear.

You might be thinking the same thing that others have expressed, “You look so confident! You really struggle with fear?”

All the time! Every time I step on stage my mind is going crazy with questions like “will the audience accept me?”

Honestly, that fear even spills over into our social media…will people like me? Will they like my music? Will I be accepted?

That’s just fear #378 out of a million fears that try to arrest me daily as a husband, a father, a grandfather, a musician, and so on and so forth.

I just want to encourage you today, you no longer have to be afraid in this life! No matter what identity anyone in this world tries to put on you, your true identity is this: you are a child of God!

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